Battle Against The Bulge

Battle Against The Bulge

Ebook Synopsis

Nearly everybody overeats at one time or another— claiming an extra helping at Thanksgiving Day dinner, for instance, or belting down oodles of BattleAgainstTheBulge_Book_Highcookies during a late-night session of hitting the books.
However if overeating is a steady and unmanageable habit, you might be suffering from binge eating or compulsive overeating.
Binge eaters utilize food to cope with tension and additional damaging emotions, but their compulsive overeating simply makes them feel more insecure.
Binge eating and compulsive overeating is more usual than bulimia and anorexia and impacts a significant number of guys as well as women. Binge eating disorder is treatable, however, and with the correct help and support, you are able to learn to control your eating.



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