Discover Green Smoothies

Discover Green Smoothies

Ebook Synopsis

A green smoothie is a blend of various fruits and green vegetables like water melon, lemon, spinach, cucumbers, and celery. The fundamentalsmoothiesarticle300 idea behind this is to provide all the health benefits at one go. Green smoothie has great taste and includes all the nutrients of delicious fruits and leafy vegetables.
The green smoothies are very helpful for those individuals who don’t take the recommended amount of nutrients in their daily diet. According to some studies conducted in USA it is estimated that one third of children don’t even consume two cups of fruits and vegetables daily. This makes them deficient in proteins and nutrients.
If anyone asks you about your intake of green leafy vegetables in your diet then what will be your answer??? Not a lot of them may be. In fact people not even have the green vegetables in salads also…



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